CC Agent Communication

Elevate your business with seamless collaboration!

In today's fast-paced business world, effective communication is key. That's why CX People Communication from Covisian is your ultimate solution for streamlined internal communications. Empower your team’s productivity with video conferencing and instant text capabilities, ensuring seamless interaction and real-time updates no matter which call center platform you currently use. Stay connected, stay informed, and stay ahead with Smile CX People.

Product benefits

Fast, streamlined communication

Simplify team collaboration with user-friendly chat and video rooms, easily inviting additional participants when needed.

Stay informed at all times

The company newsletter delivers essential updates on news, promotions, events, and all pertinent information to keep your employees in the loop.

Tech freedom

Our platform operates independently of your company's call center or PBX system, providing seamless integration regardless of your existing setup.

Key Features

Virtual team rooms with chat and video capabilities.

Smart internal mail.

Smart notepad, a convenient and always available tool for quick notes.

Functional specifications

CX People Communication  is a cloud-based software, accessed via any browser, eliminating the need for PC installation. It offers the same intuitive user interface as the entire Covisian product suite.

Ready to start delivering smiles

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